30,943K2024Q3Qu. GDP Per Capita [+]
Annual GDP [+]2023€1,880Mchart€79,310M2023Annual GDP [+]
Annual GDP [+]2023$2,033Mchart$85,755M2023Annual GDP [+]
GDP per capita [+]2023€20,149chart€118,7702023GDP per capita [+]
GDP per capita [+]2023$21,787chart$129,8102023GDP per capita [+]
€20,795M2024Q3Quarterly GDP [+]
Debt (M.€.) [+]20231,452chart20,2622023Debt (M.€.) [+]
Debt ($M) [+]20231,570chart22,0202023Debt ($M) [+]
Debt (%GDP) [+]202376.83%chart25.50%2023Debt (%GDP) [+]
Debt Per Capita [+]2023€15,559chart€30,1502023Debt Per Capita [+]
Debt Per Capita [+]2023$16,828chart$32,7652023Debt Per Capita [+]
Deficit (M.€) [+]2023-32chart-5522023Deficit (M.€) [+]
Deficit ($M) [+]2023-35chart-1,0742023Deficit ($M) [+]
Deficit (%GDP) [+]2023-1.71%chart-0.70%2023Deficit (%GDP) [+]
Expenditure (M.€) [+]2023348.6chart37,968.02023Expenditure (M.€) [+]
Expenditure ($M) [+]2023377.0chart41,256.82023Expenditure ($M) [+]
Education Expenditure (M.€) [+]202264.7chart3,646.22022Education Expenditure (M.€) [+]
Education Expenditure ($M) [+]202268.1chart3,839.62022Education Expenditure ($M) [+]
Education Expenditure (%Bud.) [+]20239.80%chart10.74%2022Education Expenditure (%Bud.) [+]
Gov. Health Exp. (M.€) [+]202254.9chart3,941,302,000.02023Gov. Health Exp. (M.€) [+]
Gov. Health Exp.($M) [+]202257.8chart4,322.02023Gov. Health Exp.($M) [+]
Gov. Health Exp. (%Bud.) [+]202213.99%chart10.48%2023Gov. Health Exp. (%Bud.) [+]
594.12023Defence Expenditure (M.€) [+]
642.42023Defence Expenditure ($M) [+]
1.62%2023Defence Expenditure (%Bud.) [+]
Expenditure (%GDP) [+]202318.44%chart47.90%2023Expenditure (%GDP) [+]
Expenditure Per Capita [+]2023€3,736chart€56,4962023Expenditure Per Capita [+]
Expenditure Per Capita [+]2023$4,040chart$61,3902023Expenditure Per Capita [+]
Education Expenditure P.C [+]2022€640chart€5,5642022Education Expenditure P.C [+]
Education Expenditure P.C [+]2022$675chart$5,9542022Education Expenditure P.C [+]
Gov. Health Exp. P.C. [+]2022€591chart€5,8912023Gov. Health Exp. P.C. [+]
Gov. Health Exp. P.C. [+]2022$623chart$6,5402023Gov. Health Exp. P.C. [+]
€8902023Defence Expenditure P.C. [+]
$9722023Defence Expenditure P.C. [+]
Aaa02/07/2025Moody's Rating [+]
AAA04/28/1994S&P Rating [+]
AAA03/06/2020Fitch Rating [+]
782023Corruption Index [+]
18º2019Competitiveness Ranking [+]
Fragile States Index [+]202451.9chart18.72024Fragile States Index [+]
RTI Raking [+]202420ºchart117º2024RTI Raking [+]
20º2024Innovation Ranking [+]
6.1%December 2024Unemployment Rate [+]
6.9%2024Q3Unemployment rate [+]
24K2024Q3Unemployed [+]
NMW [+]2024$577.3chart$2,740.42025NMW [+]
€2,637.82025NMW [+]
$79,3872023Average Wage [+]
€73,4182023Average Wage [+]
30º2017Human Capital Ranking [+]
0.962502/13/2025US Dollar exchange rate [+]
13.38%02/13/2025Stock ExchangeYTD % [+]
1.9%January 2025CPI (overall index) [+]
2.4%January 2025HICP [+]
-4.2%December 2024PPI Year on Year [+]
Money Market
2.90%02/05/2025Key rates [+]
Doing Business [+]2020113ºchart72º2020Doing Business [+]
1.4%December 2024IPI Year on Year [+]
89,727December 2024Passengers vehicles Year [+]
71.86December 2022Annual Vehicles/ 1,000 p. [+]
775.272021Vehicles / 1,000 people [+]
Tax Revenue (%GDP) [+]202219.1%chart42.4%2023Tax Revenue (%GDP) [+]
Standard VAT [+]01/01/201915.00%chart17.00%01/01/2015Standard VAT [+]
Top tax rate + SSC [+]20200%chart47.2%2022Top tax rate + SSC [+]
Annual arrivals [+]2022265,100chart1,013,0002022Annual arrivals [+]
Exports [+]2023€28.2Mchart€15,898.9M2023Exports [+]
Exports [+]2023$30.5Mchart$17,162.3M2023Exports [+]
Exports % GDP [+]20231.50%chart20.05%2023Exports % GDP [+]
Imports [+]2023€780.1Mchart€24,322.1M2023Imports [+]
Imports [+]2023$843.5Mchart$25,581.1M2023Imports [+]
Imports % GDP [+]202341.49%chart30.67%2023Imports % GDP [+]
Trade balance [+]2023€-751.9Mchart€-8,423.2M2023Trade balance [+]
Trade balance [+]2023$-875.6Mchart$-8,387.3M2023Trade balance [+]
Trade balance % GDP [+]2023-39.99%chart-10.62%2023Trade balance % GDP [+]
9.4%December 2024Retail Sales YoY [+]
19º2015Global AgeWatch Ranking [+]
Density [+]2023212chart2592023Density [+]
-1º2023Global Peace Ranking [+]
1.90‰2022Crude divorce rate [+]
Remittance received ($M) [+]201731.0chart1,746.12017Remittance received ($M) [+]
% Immigrant [+]202029.99%chart46.96%2020% Immigrant [+]
% Emigrant [+]202067.92%chart12.88%2020% Emigrant [+]
Birth Rate [+]202211.98‰chart9.50‰2023Birth Rate [+]
Remittance sent ($M) [+]201736.4chart1,321.52017Remittance sent ($M) [+]
Crude death rate [+]20226.09‰chart6.60‰2023Crude death rate [+]
Fertility Rate [+]20221.58chart1.312022Fertility Rate [+]
3.80‰2022Crude marriage rate [+]
18.8%2023% risk of poverty [+]
Population [+]202393,316chart672,0502023Population [+]
Immigrant stock [+]202029,386chart298,0622020Immigrant stock [+]
Emigrant stock [+]202066,561chart81,7572020Emigrant stock [+]
HDI [+]20220.826chart0.9272022HDI [+]
46º2024Gender Gap Ranking [+]
Life expectancy [+]202279.24chart83.402023Life expectancy [+]
Suicides [+]20150chart482023Suicides [+]
Suicide rate [+]20150chart7.142023Suicide rate [+]
Number of homicides [+]202210chart102022Number of homicides [+]
Rate Homicides per 100.000 [+]202210.77chart1.532022Rate Homicides per 100.000 [+]
Energy and Environment
CO2 Tons per capita [+]20232.99chart11.182023CO2 Tons per capita [+]
Consumption GWh [+]2023323chart5,8702023Consumption GWh [+]
Generation GWh [+]2023361chart8102023Generation GWh [+]
COVID-19 - Deaths [+]08/04/2024146chart1,00008/04/2024COVID-19 - Deaths [+]
COVID-19 - Confirmed [+]08/04/20249,106chart393,54208/04/2024COVID-19 - Confirmed [+]
Fully vaccinated [+]09/16/202262,384chart462,70206/11/2023Fully vaccinated [+]
COVID-19 - Deaths per million population [+]08/04/20241,564.58chart1,487.9808/04/2024COVID-19 - Deaths per million population [+]
Doses administered [+]09/16/2022136,512chart1,374,54703/25/2023Doses administered [+]