Country comparison New Zealand vs Somalia

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Government Education expenditure Per Capita New Zealand vs Somalia comparison
Qu. GDP Per Capita [+]2023Q311,158K
Annual GDP [+]2023€234,225Mchart€10,802M2023Annual GDP [+]
Annual GDP [+]2023$253,466Mchart$11,680M2023Annual GDP [+]
GDP per capita [+]2023€45,703chart€6332023GDP per capita [+]
GDP per capita [+]2023$49,457chart$6842023GDP per capita [+]
Quarterly GDP [+]2023Q3€57,184M
Debt (M.€.) [+]2022106,636
Debt ($M) [+]2022112,381
Debt (%GDP) [+]202246.43%
Debt Per Capita [+]2022€20,807
Debt Per Capita [+]2022$21,928
Deficit (M.€) [+]2022-8,118chart22022Deficit (M.€) [+]
Deficit ($M) [+]2022-8,555chart22022Deficit ($M) [+]
Deficit (%GDP) [+]2022-3.54%chart0.02%2022Deficit (%GDP) [+]
Expenditure (M.€) [+]202297,882.1chart683.22022Expenditure (M.€) [+]
Expenditure ($M) [+]2022103,155.8chart720.02022Expenditure ($M) [+]
Education Expenditure (M.€) [+]202212,643.8chart15.72019Education Expenditure (M.€) [+]
Education Expenditure ($M) [+]202213,551.0chart17.62019Education Expenditure ($M) [+]
Education Expenditure (%Bud.) [+]202213.14%chart4.41%2020Education Expenditure (%Bud.) [+]
Gov. Health Exp. (M.€) [+]202221,409,165,963.1chart23.91999Gov. Health Exp. (M.€) [+]
Gov. Health Exp.($M) [+]202119,388.2chart25.51999Gov. Health Exp.($M) [+]
Gov. Health Exp. (%Bud.) [+]202118.57%chart4.20%1999Gov. Health Exp. (%Bud.) [+]
Defence Expenditure (M.€) [+]20222,707.3chart0.02017Defence Expenditure (M.€) [+]
Defence Expenditure ($M) [+]20222,901.5chart0.02017Defence Expenditure ($M) [+]
Defence Expenditure (%Bud.) [+]20222.82%chart20.37%2022Defence Expenditure (%Bud.) [+]
Expenditure (%GDP) [+]202242.62%chart6.91%2022Expenditure (%GDP) [+]
Expenditure Per Capita [+]2022€19,099chart€402022Expenditure Per Capita [+]
Expenditure Per Capita [+]2022$20,128chart$422022Expenditure Per Capita [+]
Education Expenditure P.C [+]2022€2,467chart€12019Education Expenditure P.C [+]
Education Expenditure P.C [+]2022$2,600chart$12019Education Expenditure P.C [+]
Gov. Health Exp. P.C. [+]2022€4,178chart€31999Gov. Health Exp. P.C. [+]
Gov. Health Exp. P.C. [+]2021$3,780chart$31999Gov. Health Exp. P.C. [+]
Defence Expenditure P.C. [+]2022€528chart€02017Defence Expenditure P.C. [+]
Defence Expenditure P.C. [+]2022$557chart$02017Defence Expenditure P.C. [+]
Moody's Rating [+]04/16/2024Aaa
S&P Rating [+]02/21/2021AA+
Fitch Rating [+]09/09/2022AA+
Corruption Index [+]202287chart122022Corruption Index [+]
Competitiveness Ranking [+]201919º
Fragile States Index [+]201820.9chart113.22018Fragile States Index [+]
RTI Raking [+]202250º
Innovation Ranking [+]201822º
Unemployment rate [+]2024Q14.7%
Unemployed [+]2024Q1144K
NMW [+]2024$2,531.7
NMW [+]2024€2,281.3
Average Wage [+]2015$39,080
Average Wage [+]2023€50,634
Human Capital Ranking [+]2017
Euro / New Zealand dollars [+]09/27/20241.7649
US Dollar exchange rate [+]09/27/20241.5848
10-Year Bond Yield [+]09/27/20244.26%
Risk Premium [+]09/27/2024212
Stock ExchangeYTD % [+]09/27/20245.84%
CPI (overall index) [+]March 20244.0%
Money Market
Key rates [+]05/24/20235.50%
Doing Business [+]2020chart190º2020Doing Business [+]
Passengers vehicles Year [+]December 2022116,334
Annual Vehicles/ 1,000 p. [+]December 202232.16
Vehicles / 1,000 people [+]2020864.92
Tax Revenue (%GDP) [+]202233.8%
Standard VAT [+]01/01/201115.00%
Top tax rate + SSC [+]202239.0%
Annual arrivals [+]20193,702,000
Exports [+]2023€38,363.9M
Exports [+]2023$41,482.9M
Exports % GDP [+]202316.38%
Imports [+]2023€46,237.9Mchart€1,024.3M2020Imports [+]
Imports [+]2023$49,997.1Mchart$1,170.0M2020Imports [+]
Imports % GDP [+]202319.74%chart16.98%2020Imports % GDP [+]
Trade balance [+]2023€-7,874.0M
Trade balance [+]2023$-8,514.1M
Trade balance % GDP [+]2023-3.36%
Global AgeWatch Ranking [+]201512º
Density [+]202219chart272021Density [+]
Global Peace Ranking [+]2023chart156º2023Global Peace Ranking [+]
Remittance received ($M) [+]2017297.4
% Immigrant [+]202027.17%chart0.35%2020% Immigrant [+]
% Emigrant [+]202015.85%chart12.30%2020% Emigrant [+]
Birth Rate [+]202211.49‰chart43.09‰2022Birth Rate [+]
Remittance sent ($M) [+]20172,408.0chart0.92017Remittance sent ($M) [+]
Crude death rate [+]20227.53‰chart11.01‰2022Crude death rate [+]
Fertility Rate [+]20221.66chart6.202022Fertility Rate [+]
54.4%2022% risk of poverty [+]
Population [+]20225,125,000chart17,065,5812021Population [+]
Immigrant stock [+]20201,381,724chart58,5902020Immigrant stock [+]
Emigrant stock [+]2020806,159chart2,034,2212020Emigrant stock [+]
HDI [+]20210.937
Gender Gap Ranking [+]2023
Life expectancy [+]202282.76chart56.112022Life expectancy [+]
Suicides [+]2016560chart5782015Suicides [+]
Suicide rate [+]201611.90chart4.202015Suicide rate [+]
Number of homicides [+]202157
Rate Homicides per 100.000 [+]20211.11
Energy and Environment
CO2 Tons per capita [+]20226.58chart0.062022CO2 Tons per capita [+]
Annual crude oil production [+]202312
Crude Oil Reserves [+]202141.0
Consumption GWh [+]202241,466chart3632022Consumption GWh [+]
Generation GWh [+]202244,178chart3782022Generation GWh [+]
COVID-19 - Deaths [+]08/04/20244,284chart1,36108/04/2024COVID-19 - Deaths [+]
COVID-19 - Confirmed [+]08/04/20242,639,048chart27,33408/04/2024COVID-19 - Confirmed [+]
Fully vaccinated [+]04/18/20234,291,717chart7,666,83507/25/2023Fully vaccinated [+]
COVID-19 - Deaths per million population [+]08/04/2024835.90chart79.7508/04/2024COVID-19 - Deaths per million population [+]
Doses administered [+]08/11/202413,398,398chart10,555,83407/25/2023Doses administered [+]