Country comparison Argentina vs Monaco

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General government expenditure (%GDP) Argentina vs Monaco comparison
Qu. GDP Per Capita [+]2023Q33,250K
Annual GDP [+]2023€593,624Mchart€8,342M2022Annual GDP [+]
Annual GDP [+]2023$640,591Mchart$8,784M2022Annual GDP [+]
GDP per capita [+]2023€12,959chart€227,3762022GDP per capita [+]
GDP per capita [+]2023$13,984chart$239,4372022GDP per capita [+]
Quarterly GDP [+]2023Q3€148,877M
Debt (M.€.) [+]2022506,725
Debt ($M) [+]2022534,027
Debt (%GDP) [+]202284.69%
Debt Per Capita [+]2022€11,062
Debt Per Capita [+]2022$11,658
Deficit (M.€) [+]2022-23,029
Deficit ($M) [+]2022-24,270
Deficit (%GDP) [+]2022-3.85%
Expenditure (M.€) [+]2022223,041.8
Expenditure ($M) [+]2022235,058.9
Education Expenditure (M.€) [+]202119,138.9chart103.82021Education Expenditure (M.€) [+]
Education Expenditure ($M) [+]202122,644.4chart103.12022Education Expenditure ($M) [+]
Education Expenditure (%Bud.) [+]202112.28%chart4.80%2022Education Expenditure (%Bud.) [+]
Gov. Health Exp. (M.€) [+]202125,746,996,472.6chart240.42021Gov. Health Exp. (M.€) [+]
Gov. Health Exp.($M) [+]202129,899.4chart284.32021Gov. Health Exp.($M) [+]
Gov. Health Exp. (%Bud.) [+]202116.22%chart13.65%2021Gov. Health Exp. (%Bud.) [+]
Defence Expenditure (M.€) [+]20222,460.6
Defence Expenditure ($M) [+]20222,602.0
Defence Expenditure (%Bud.) [+]20221.26%
Expenditure (%GDP) [+]202237.28%chart24.24%2021Expenditure (%GDP) [+]
Expenditure Per Capita [+]2022€4,869
Expenditure Per Capita [+]2022$5,131
Education Expenditure P.C [+]2021€418chart€2,8302021Education Expenditure P.C [+]
Education Expenditure P.C [+]2021$494chart$3,3482021Education Expenditure P.C [+]
Gov. Health Exp. P.C. [+]2021€562chart€6,5532021Gov. Health Exp. P.C. [+]
Gov. Health Exp. P.C. [+]2021$660chart$7,7502021Gov. Health Exp. P.C. [+]
Defence Expenditure P.C. [+]2022€54
Defence Expenditure P.C. [+]2022$57
Moody's Rating [+]09/27/2022Ca
S&P Rating [+]03/15/2024CCC
Fitch Rating [+]03/24/2023C
Corruption Index [+]202238
Competitiveness Ranking [+]201983º
Fragile States Index [+]201846.1
RTI Raking [+]202254ºchart132º2022RTI Raking [+]
Innovation Ranking [+]201880º
Unemployment Rate [+]September 20168.5%
Unemployment rate [+]2024Q17.7%
Unemployed [+]2024Q11,088K
NMW [+]2023$337.1chart$12.72014NMW [+]
NMW [+]2023€310.8chart€1,650.62014NMW [+]
Human Capital Ranking [+]201752º
Euro / Argentinian pesos [+]09/27/20241,082.8110
US Dollar exchange rate [+]09/27/2024970.5833chart0.896209/27/2024US Dollar exchange rate [+]
Stock ExchangeYTD % [+]09/27/2024754.97%
CPI (overall index) [+]August 2024236.7%
Money Market
Key rates [+]05/14/202440.00%chart3.65%09/18/2024Key rates [+]
Doing Business [+]2020126º
Passengers vehicles Year [+]February 2020400,592
Annual Vehicles/ 1,000 p. [+]February 202011.77
Motor vehicle production [+]2022536,893
Vehicles / 1,000 people [+]2020309.08
Tax Revenue (%GDP) [+]202129.1%
Standard VAT [+]01/01/200621.00%
Top tax rate + SSC [+]202035.0%
Annual arrivals [+]20197,399,050chart347,0002018Annual arrivals [+]
Exports [+]2023€61,765.5M
Exports [+]2023$66,787.0M
Exports % GDP [+]202310.40%
Imports [+]2023€68,172.6M
Imports [+]2023$73,715.0M
Imports % GDP [+]202311.48%
Trade balance [+]2023€-6,407.1M
Trade balance [+]2023$-6,928.0M
Trade balance % GDP [+]2023-1.08%
Global AgeWatch Ranking [+]201531º
Density [+]202116chart4902021Density [+]
Global Peace Ranking [+]202354º
2.50‰2004Crude divorce rate [+]
Remittance received ($M) [+]2017688.1
% Immigrant [+]20205.03%chart72.05%2020% Immigrant [+]
% Emigrant [+]20202.37%chart88.16%2020% Emigrant [+]
Birth Rate [+]202213.79‰chart5.90‰2018Birth Rate [+]
Remittance sent ($M) [+]20173,960.9chart181.32017Remittance sent ($M) [+]
Crude death rate [+]20228.59‰chart6.60‰2018Crude death rate [+]
Fertility Rate [+]20221.88
5.01‰2005Crude marriage rate [+]
% risk of poverty [+]202239.2%
Population [+]202145,808,747chart36,6862021Population [+]
Immigrant stock [+]20202,281,728chart26,6012020Immigrant stock [+]
Emigrant stock [+]20201,076,148chart32,5522020Emigrant stock [+]
HDI [+]20210.842
Gender Gap Ranking [+]202336º
Life expectancy [+]202276.06
Suicides [+]20212,849
Suicide rate [+]20216.20
Number of homicides [+]20221,961chart02015Number of homicides [+]
Rate Homicides per 100.000 [+]20224.31chart02015Rate Homicides per 100.000 [+]
Energy and Environment
CO2 Tons per capita [+]20223.97
Annual crude oil production [+]2023635
Crude Oil Reserves [+]20212,482.7
Consumption GWh [+]2022127,980
Generation GWh [+]2022144,979
COVID-19 - Deaths [+]08/04/2024130,663chart6708/04/2024COVID-19 - Deaths [+]
COVID-19 - Confirmed [+]08/04/202410,101,218chart17,18108/04/2024COVID-19 - Confirmed [+]
Fully vaccinated [+]01/27/202434,900,613chart25,66712/21/2021Fully vaccinated [+]
COVID-19 - Deaths per million population [+]08/04/20242,852.36chart1,826.3108/04/2024COVID-19 - Deaths per million population [+]
Doses administered [+]01/27/2024116,978,521chart65,14012/21/2021Doses administered [+]