Country comparison Solomon Islands vs North Korea

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Government Health Expenditure Per Capita Solomon Islands vs North Korea comparison
Annual GDP [+]2023€1,509Mchart€15,371M2017Annual GDP [+]
Annual GDP [+]2023$1,631Mchart$17,365M2017Annual GDP [+]
GDP per capita [+]2023€2,131chart€6022017GDP per capita [+]
GDP per capita [+]2023$2,305chart$6812017GDP per capita [+]
Debt (M.€.) [+]2022255
Debt ($M) [+]2022269
Debt (%GDP) [+]202216.92%
Debt Per Capita [+]2022€361
Debt Per Capita [+]2022$380
Deficit (M.€) [+]2022-62
Deficit ($M) [+]2022-66
Deficit (%GDP) [+]2022-4.12%
Expenditure (M.€) [+]2022506.1
Expenditure ($M) [+]2022533.4
Education Expenditure (M.€) [+]2020171.6
Education Expenditure ($M) [+]2020195.8
Education Expenditure (%Bud.) [+]202031.89%
Gov. Health Exp. (M.€) [+]202144.4chart288.21999Gov. Health Exp. (M.€) [+]
Gov. Health Exp.($M) [+]202152.6chart307.21999Gov. Health Exp.($M) [+]
Gov. Health Exp. (%Bud.) [+]202110.54%
Expenditure (%GDP) [+]202233.53%
Expenditure Per Capita [+]2022€715
Expenditure Per Capita [+]2022$754
Education Expenditure P.C [+]2020€248
Education Expenditure P.C [+]2020$283
Gov. Health Exp. P.C. [+]2021€63chart€121999Gov. Health Exp. P.C. [+]
Gov. Health Exp. P.C. [+]2021$74chart$131999Gov. Health Exp. P.C. [+]
Corruption Index [+]202242chart172022Corruption Index [+]
Fragile States Index [+]201883.1chart93.22018Fragile States Index [+]
NMW [+]2022$204.0
Doing Business [+]2020136º
Tax Revenue (%GDP) [+]202118.6%
Annual arrivals [+]201928,910
Exports [+]2023€395.0Mchart€320.9M2023Exports [+]
Exports [+]2023$427.1Mchart$347.0M2023Exports [+]
Exports % GDP [+]202326.18%chart10.19%2017Exports % GDP [+]
Imports [+]2023€676.6Mchart€2,521.0M2023Imports [+]
Imports [+]2023$731.6Mchart$2,726.0M2023Imports [+]
Imports % GDP [+]202344.85%chart21.77%2017Imports % GDP [+]
Trade balance [+]2023€-281.6Mchart€-2,200.1M2023Trade balance [+]
Trade balance [+]2023$-304.5Mchart$-2,379.0M2023Trade balance [+]
Trade balance % GDP [+]2023-18.67%chart-11.58%2017Trade balance % GDP [+]
Density [+]202124chart2152021Density [+]
149º2023Global Peace Ranking [+]
Remittance received ($M) [+]201720.0
% Immigrant [+]20200.36%chart0.19%2020% Immigrant [+]
% Emigrant [+]20200.62%chart0.43%2020% Emigrant [+]
Birth Rate [+]202229.32‰chart13.06‰2022Birth Rate [+]
Remittance sent ($M) [+]201792.4chart200.62017Remittance sent ($M) [+]
Crude death rate [+]20224.89‰chart9.35‰2022Crude death rate [+]
Fertility Rate [+]20223.93chart1.792022Fertility Rate [+]
% risk of poverty [+]201312.7%
Population [+]2021707,851chart25,971,9092021Population [+]
Immigrant stock [+]20202,520chart49,5492020Immigrant stock [+]
Emigrant stock [+]20204,270chart110,3772020Emigrant stock [+]
HDI [+]20210.564
Life expectancy [+]202270.74chart73.582022Life expectancy [+]
Suicides [+]201546chart3,9812015Suicides [+]
Suicide rate [+]20157.66chart15.762015Suicide rate [+]
Number of homicides [+]200819
Rate Homicides per 100.000 [+]20083.68
Energy and Environment
CO2 Tons per capita [+]20220.47chart2.092022CO2 Tons per capita [+]
Consumption GWh [+]202290chart18,2402022Consumption GWh [+]
Generation GWh [+]2022109chart22,2732022Generation GWh [+]
COVID-19 - Deaths [+]08/04/2024199chart008/04/2024COVID-19 - Deaths [+]
COVID-19 - Confirmed [+]08/04/202425,954chart008/04/2024COVID-19 - Confirmed [+]
Fully vaccinated [+]10/31/2022254,352
COVID-19 - Deaths per million population [+]08/04/2024281.13chart008/04/2024COVID-19 - Deaths per million population [+]
Doses administered [+]10/31/2022625,956
  • Capital: Honiara
  • Population: 707,851
  • Surface Area: 28,900 km2
  • Currency: Solomon Islands dollars
  • Religion: Mostly Christianity
  • Belongs to: ACP, IMF, UN, PIF
  • Capital: Pyongyang
  • Population: 25,971,909
  • Surface Area: 120,540 km2
  • Currency: North Korean won
  • Religion: Unbelieving majority
  • Belongs to: UN