Country comparison Saint Vincent and the Grenadines vs Somalia

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Government Education expenditure Per Capita Saint Vincent and the Grenadines vs Somalia comparison
Annual GDP [+]2023€986Mchart€10,802M2023Annual GDP [+]
Annual GDP [+]2023$1,066Mchart$11,680M2023Annual GDP [+]
GDP per capita [+]2023€9,449chart€6332023GDP per capita [+]
GDP per capita [+]2023$10,217chart$6842023GDP per capita [+]
Debt (M.€.) [+]2022790
Debt ($M) [+]2022833
Debt (%GDP) [+]202287.93%
Debt Per Capita [+]2022€7,575
Debt Per Capita [+]2022$7,983
Deficit (M.€) [+]2022-84chart22022Deficit (M.€) [+]
Deficit ($M) [+]2022-89chart22022Deficit ($M) [+]
Deficit (%GDP) [+]2022-9.39%chart0.02%2022Deficit (%GDP) [+]
Expenditure (M.€) [+]2022332.6chart683.22022Expenditure (M.€) [+]
Expenditure ($M) [+]2022350.5chart720.02022Expenditure ($M) [+]
Education Expenditure (M.€) [+]202041.7chart15.72019Education Expenditure (M.€) [+]
Education Expenditure ($M) [+]202047.6chart17.62019Education Expenditure ($M) [+]
Education Expenditure (%Bud.) [+]202312.86%chart4.41%2020Education Expenditure (%Bud.) [+]
Gov. Health Exp. (M.€) [+]202126.8chart23.91999Gov. Health Exp. (M.€) [+]
Gov. Health Exp.($M) [+]202131.7chart25.51999Gov. Health Exp.($M) [+]
Gov. Health Exp. (%Bud.) [+]20219.60%chart4.20%1999Gov. Health Exp. (%Bud.) [+]
0.02017Defence Expenditure (M.€) [+]
0.02017Defence Expenditure ($M) [+]
20.37%2022Defence Expenditure (%Bud.) [+]
Expenditure (%GDP) [+]202237.01%chart6.91%2022Expenditure (%GDP) [+]
Expenditure Per Capita [+]2022€3,188chart€402022Expenditure Per Capita [+]
Expenditure Per Capita [+]2022$3,359chart$422022Expenditure Per Capita [+]
Education Expenditure P.C [+]2020€399chart€12019Education Expenditure P.C [+]
Education Expenditure P.C [+]2020$455chart$12019Education Expenditure P.C [+]
Gov. Health Exp. P.C. [+]2021€257chart€31999Gov. Health Exp. P.C. [+]
Gov. Health Exp. P.C. [+]2021$304chart$31999Gov. Health Exp. P.C. [+]
€02017Defence Expenditure P.C. [+]
$02017Defence Expenditure P.C. [+]
Moody's Rating [+]06/28/2024B3
Corruption Index [+]202260chart122022Corruption Index [+]
113.22018Fragile States Index [+]
RTI Raking [+]2022101º
NMW [+]2022$385.2
Doing Business [+]2020130ºchart190º2020Doing Business [+]
Standard VAT [+]01/01/201916.00%
Top tax rate + SSC [+]202030.0%
Annual arrivals [+]201985,296
Exports [+]2023€39.6M
Exports [+]2023$42.8M
Exports % GDP [+]20234.01%
Imports [+]2023€382.7Mchart€1,024.3M2020Imports [+]
Imports [+]2023$413.9Mchart$1,170.0M2020Imports [+]
Imports % GDP [+]202338.82%chart16.98%2020Imports % GDP [+]
Trade balance [+]2023€-343.2M
Trade balance [+]2023$-371.1M
Trade balance % GDP [+]2023-34.81%
Density [+]2021268chart272021Density [+]
156º2023Global Peace Ranking [+]
Remittance received ($M) [+]201741.7
% Immigrant [+]20204.53%chart0.35%2020% Immigrant [+]
% Emigrant [+]202053.07%chart12.30%2020% Emigrant [+]
Birth Rate [+]202212.73‰chart43.09‰2022Birth Rate [+]
Remittance sent ($M) [+]20175.6chart0.92017Remittance sent ($M) [+]
Crude death rate [+]202214.00‰chart11.01‰2022Crude death rate [+]
Fertility Rate [+]20221.78chart6.202022Fertility Rate [+]
54.4%2022% risk of poverty [+]
Population [+]2021104,332chart17,065,5812021Population [+]
Immigrant stock [+]20204,738chart58,5902020Immigrant stock [+]
Emigrant stock [+]202055,525chart2,034,2212020Emigrant stock [+]
HDI [+]20210.751
Life expectancy [+]202268.97chart56.112022Life expectancy [+]
Suicides [+]20153chart5782015Suicides [+]
Suicide rate [+]20152.66chart4.202015Suicide rate [+]
Number of homicides [+]202242
Rate Homicides per 100.000 [+]202240.41
Energy and Environment
CO2 Tons per capita [+]20220.75chart0.062022CO2 Tons per capita [+]
Consumption GWh [+]2022162chart3632022Consumption GWh [+]
Generation GWh [+]2022173chart3782022Generation GWh [+]
COVID-19 - Deaths [+]08/04/2024124chart1,36108/04/2024COVID-19 - Deaths [+]
COVID-19 - Confirmed [+]08/04/20249,674chart27,33408/04/2024COVID-19 - Confirmed [+]
Fully vaccinated [+]04/21/202331,632chart7,666,83507/25/2023Fully vaccinated [+]
COVID-19 - Deaths per million population [+]08/04/20241,188.51chart79.7508/04/2024COVID-19 - Deaths per million population [+]
Doses administered [+]04/21/202373,443chart10,555,83407/25/2023Doses administered [+]