• Capital: Merida
  • Population: 1,051,810
  • Surface Area: 41,634 km2
  • Current Government: PP

Estremadura, is a autonomous community of Spain, it has an area of 41,634 Km2, and it may be considered a large autonomous community.

Estremadura, with a population of 1,051,810 people, it is ranked at 13th position by population of 19 autonomous communities and it has a low population density, 25 people per km2.

Estremadura is holding the 15 position by nominal GDP, it was worth 24,870 millions of euros24,870 millions of dollars in 2023, and the GDP per capita was €23,604$25,522.

Its debt in 2023 was 5,322 millions of euros5,755 millions of dollars, (21.4% debt-to-GDP ratio) and its public debt per capita was €5,051 euros per inhabitant$5,462 dollars per inhabitant.

The last annual rate of CPI published in Estremadura was on January of 2025 and it was 2.8%.

In the tables at the bottom of the page, you can see more information about the economy and demography of Estremadura, if you want to see information about other autonomous communities click economy of the autonomous communities of Spain

Merida: Monthly Temp.
Merida: Monthly Rainfall
Estremadura Economy
Annual GDP [+]2023€24,870M
Annual GDP [+]2023$26,892M
GDP per capita [+]2023€23,604
GDP per capita [+]2023$25,522
Debt (M.€.) [+]20235,322
Debt ($M) [+]20235,755
Debt (%GDP) [+]202321.40%
Debt Per Capita [+]2023€5,051
Debt Per Capita [+]2023$5,462
Deficit (M.€) [+]2023-273
Deficit ($M) [+]2023-295
Deficit (%GDP) [+]2023-1.10%
Moody's Rating [+]03/21/2024Baa2
S&P Rating [+]05/30/2014BBB
Unemployment rate [+]2024Q415.3%
Unemployed [+]2024Q475K
US Dollar exchange rate [+]02/13/20250.9625
CPI (overall index) [+]January 20252.8%
PPI Year on Year [+]December 2024-0.4%
Money Market
Key rates [+]02/05/20252.90%
Doing Business [+]2015
IPI Year on Year [+]December 2024-0.6%
Passengers vehicles Year [+]January 20259,033
Annual Vehicles/ 1,000 p. [+]December 201814.69
Top tax rate + SSC [+]202249.5%
Annual arrivals [+]2024243,503
Exports [+]2019€2,119.0M
Exports [+]2019$2,372.3M
Exports % GDP [+]201910.01%
Imports [+]2019€1,399.1M
Imports [+]2019$1,566.3M
Imports % GDP [+]20196.61%
Trade balance [+]2019€719.9M
Trade balance [+]2019$805.9M
Trade balance % GDP [+]20193.40%
Retail Sales YoY [+]December 20241.7%
Density [+]202425
Crude divorce rate [+]20231.22‰
Birth Rate [+]20236.46‰
Crude death rate [+]202310.77‰
Fertility Rate [+]20231.16
Crude marriage rate [+]20233.16‰
% risk of poverty [+]202327.6%
Population [+]20241,051,810
HDI [+]20150.847
Life expectancy [+]202383.06
Suicides [+]202092
Suicide rate [+]20208.70
COVID-19 - Deaths [+]07/04/20232,751
COVID-19 - Confirmed [+]05/31/2023314,454
Fully vaccinated [+]05/24/2023954,656
COVID-19 - Deaths per million population [+]07/04/20232,610.97
Doses administered [+]05/24/20232,601,306

Resultados Electorales de Estremadura