Industrial Production Index

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CountriesDateIPI MonthlyIPI This YearIPI Year on YearCh.
United States [+]August 2014-0.3%2.6%4.1%
United Kingdom [+]August 2014-0.2%1.6%1.0%
Germany [+]August 2014-2.7%-3.5%-2.1%
France [+]August 2014-1.7%-0.5%0.3%
Japan [+]August 2014-0.8%-3.3%-0.4%
Spain [+]August 20140.3%0.2%0.3%
Italy [+]August 20140.2%-0.4%-0.5%
Portugal [+]August 20141.4%3.2%3.0%
Greece [+]August 2014-1.7%-1.2%-4.9%
Ireland [+]August 20144.3%15.0%24.7%
Austria [+]August 2014-0.9%-1.4%-1.5%
Bosnia and Herzegovina [+]August 2014-5.7%-6.2%-4.5%
Belgium [+]August 2014-1.2%-2.7%-1.5%
Bulgaria [+]August 2014-1.1%-2.9%-2.1%
Switzerland [+]August 20140.3%
Chile [+]August 2014-0.9%0.8%-3.1%
China [+]August 20140.1%4.6%6.9%
Cyprus [+]August 20141.7%10.8%-0.9%
Czechia [+]August 2014-4.2%-2.7%-2.8%
Denmark [+]August 20143.1%4.6%5.6%
Estonia [+]August 2014-2.1%7.2%4.7%
Finland [+]August 20141.3%-3.0%-2.4%
Croatia [+]August 20140.2%-2.8%-3.4%
Hungary [+]August 2014-5.2%3.7%2.5%
Lithuania [+]August 2014-2.3%-1.9%-4.7%
Luxembourg [+]August 2014-0.9%-2.9%2.5%
Latvia [+]August 20140.7%0.6%-1.3%
Moldova [+]August 20148.0%-10.4%7.3%
Montenegro [+]August 201410.2%-29.2%-12.9%
North Macedonia [+]August 2014-8.8%0.5%1.2%
Malta [+]August 2014-0.9%-2.2%-9.8%
Mexico [+]August 20140.1%1.3%1.8%
Netherlands [+]August 20140.5%1.9%0.9%
Norway [+]August 20140.2%2.0%0.7%
Peru [+]April 201428.8%37.1%3.6%
Poland [+]August 2014-0.7%1.2%0.3%
Romania [+]August 2014-1.2%1.1%2.2%
Serbia [+]August 20140.1%-6.0%-13.0%
Sweden [+]August 2014-0.3%-3.5%-1.7%
Slovenia [+]August 2014-2.2%2.0%-1.3%
Slovakia [+]August 20142.5%3.2%-0.8%
Türkiye [+]August 2014-3.1%1.3%5.3%

The IPI measures the joint progress in both quantity and quality, without taking into account the influence of prices.
The IPI indicate changes in volume of the portion of the Gross Internal Product which is derived from industry: in other words, the added gross value to the cost of the factors of the various industrial branches and of the industrial sector as a whole.
It is used as an indicator of activity, both from the supply and the demand side and it used by central banks to measure inflation, as high levels of industrial production can lead to uncontrolled levels of consumption and rapid inflation.
In these pages we publish the Industrial Production Index corrected for calendar effects, which offers inter-annually comparable values as well as for the seasonal ones, for the between – month comparisons.