Japan Japan - Industrial Production Index

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Japan - Industrial Production Index
DateIPI MonthlyIPI This YearIPI Year on Year
June 20151.1%0.2%0.7%
May 2015-2.1%-0.9%-2.3%
April 20151.2%1.2%0.1%
March 2015-0.8%0%-3.4%
February 2015-3.1%0.8%-2.1%
January 20154.1%4.1%-1.1%
December 20140.2%-1.9%-1.9%
November 2014-0.6%-2.1%-1.6%
October 20140.4%-1.5%-0.7%
September 20141.5%-1.9%-0.5%
August 2014-0.8%-3.3%-0.4%
July 2014-0.1%-2.5%-0.1%
< 2014 2016 >
Japan - Industrial Production Index

The IPI in Japan measures the joint progress in quantity and quality, of the factors of the various industrial branches and of the industrial sector, without taking into account the influence of prices.