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Unemployment Rate: 1977 Countries
Unemployment Rate: 1977 Countries
CountriesUnemployment RateCh.Ann. ch.Month
United States [+]6.4%
-0.40-1.40December 1977
United Kingdom [+]5.7%
00.20December 1977
Japan [+]2.1%
0.100.30December 1977
Canada [+]8.5%
01.00December 1977
< Unemployment Rate 1976Unemployment Rate 1978 >
Unemployment Rate: Youth unemployment
CountriesUnemployment < 25Male unemployment < 25Female unemployment < 25Month
Japan [+]3.9%
December 1977
Canada [+]14.2%
December 1977
< Unemployment Rate 1976Unemployment Rate 1978 >
Unemployment Rate: By sex
CountriesMale unemploymentFemale unemploymentMonth
United States [+]5.5%
December 1977
United Kingdom [+]5.3%
December 1977
Japan [+]2.2%
December 1977
Canada [+]7.8%
December 1977
< Unemployment Rate 1976Unemployment Rate 1978 >

Unemployment (or joblessness) occurs when people are without jobs and they have actively sought work. Therefore, the unemployed in a country are those with age, ability and desire to work (labor force) but do not have a job.

The number of unemployed in a country usually was expressed in terms of the labor force, and it is called unemployment rate. The unemployment rate is a percentage and it is calculated by dividing the number of unemployed people by all individuals currently in the labor force.

Unemployment rate = Total Unemployed / Labor force