Italy Italy unemployment rate

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Italy: Unemployment rate by sex and age
Italy: Unemployment
1985 1984
Unemployment Rate8.5%7.9%
Male unemployment5.8%5.4%
Female unemployment13.6%12.6%
Unemployment less than 25 years29.5%27.3%
Gender Differences in unemployment7.8%7.2%
Male unemployment less than 25 years24.5%22.9%
Female unemployment less than 25 years35.2%32.2%
Unemployment over 24 years4.1%3.8%
Male unemployment 25 years and over2.6%2.4%
Female unemployment 25 years and over7.4%6.8%
Italy: Unemployment

In this page you can see data of Italy unemployment rate. The unemployment rate expresses the proportion of people unemployed compare to labour force in Italy.

Italy unemployment rate = Number Italy unemployed / Number of Labour force people in Italy

You can see more information clicking on the links in the tables.

If you want to compare the unemployment of Italy with other countries, see unemployment .