Netherlands Netherlands unemployment rate

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Netherlands: Unemployment rate by sex and age
Netherlands: Unemployment
2020 2019
Unemployment Rate4.9%4.3%
Male unemployment4.8%4.3%
Female unemployment5.1%4.3%
Unemployment less than 25 years10.9%8.4%
Gender Differences in unemployment0.3%0%
Male unemployment less than 25 years11.4%9.7%
Female unemployment less than 25 years10.4%7.1%
Unemployment over 24 years3.7%3.4%
Male unemployment 25 years and over3.5%3.2%
Female unemployment 25 years and over3.9%3.6%
Netherlands: Unemployment

La tasa de paro en Holanda es un porcentaje que expresa la proporción de parados que hay respecto al total de activos en Holanda.