Demography is a social science that studies the state of human populations.
It is a multidisciplinary science that studies the different characteristics of the population, including its distribution by age, gender, occupation, marital status, origin, etc.
Etymologically, we find its root in the Greek: "demo" means population and "graphy" means description or study, so demography would mean "study of the population"
Within demography we can differentiate two types.
Static demography:
It is the demography that studies the population at a specific time, in terms of its dimension, structure, territory, etc.
Dynamic demography:
This is the area of demography that studies the evolution of the population and the elements that make it vary. It analyzes different indicators: birth rate, fertility rate, life expectancy, mortality rate, emigration, immigration, etc.
At we publish many demographic indicators that you can see in Demographic data